OEM Production Systems
Applied Fiber cable assemblies of all sizes and configurations are utilized within OEM products worldwide to improve performance.
Absolute reliability, consistent quality, and affordability are a prerequisite of all Applied Fiber OEM clients. Applied Fiber engineers work with our clients to develop the ideal cable, rope, or cord assembly for the specific application. All key performance criteria and environmental factors are considered to select the ideal fiber, fiber finish, rope design, terminal design, production and quality processing requirements.
As a leading OEM provider of synthetic cable assemblies, Applied Fiber’s Quality Management System and processing technologies center on consistent, repeatable production of high efficiency product. Applied Fiber offers the industry’s most advanced termination processing technologies available for consistent and reliable production of synthetic cable assemblies. All OEM products are manufactured and monitored to ensure compliance with our client’s predefined specifications.
Whether developing a new product or improving an existing product contact us to learn how Applied Fiber can help improve performance and reliability.