Shock Damping Shovel Pendants
Reduce Shock Load From Boom Jacking
Synthetic Pendant Advantages: Financial Savings and Returns
View the Total Cost of Ownership Case Study Example
Dampen Boom Jacking: Synthetic fiber reduces shock loads and machine component fatigue, translates into longer life of ropes and mating components. Watch The Shovel Pendants Video
Reduce Boom and Machine Fatigue: Synthetic pendants absorb vibration in the load path. This greatly reduces the metal fatigue on the structure over its service life.
Reduce Welding: Synthetic fiber dampens vibration and reduces stress cracking.
Increased Lifespan Over Steel: Synthetic fiber handles tension and bend cycling better than wire.
Reduce Machine Downtime: Longer pendant life, less welding maintenance, and extending life between installs translates to less downtime, a strong contributor to ROI.
Dramatic Weight Reduction: Decrease overall install time and lower crane capacity required. Dyneema® DM20 fiber has the best strength to weight ratio for this demanding application.
Safer Handling: Lower weight and high flexibility allows the rope to be easily be positioned on the boom. No fighting twisted sockets or steel wire.
Increased Safety Factor: Synthetic fiber design offers higher strength than steel wire.
Reliable Performance: Field visible inspection and wear indication.
Reduce Unexpected Outages: The numerous performance advantages translate into lower impacts on the system overall.
Contact Applied Fiber Today to learn more.